November 30, 2010

Dream Big, Pet Owners

I ended up finding out about a musical tribute to the giant isopod tonight, which led me to thinking how cool it'd be to have one of these guys for a pet. I can't dream about getting a dog or a cat, so I may as well dream about getting a giant isopod, right?

Anyways, Bathynomus giganteus is both cute and terrifying and I love them.



Christmas (or fairy) lights are my favorite part of winter! The fact that it gets dark early (at least in the upper parts of the northern hemisphere) means that every little bit of light and cheer helps.

And I do usually end up tangled up in a strand when I try and put them up somewhere.


November 28, 2010

Sleeplessness 'R' Us

As you've guessed, I have a weird sleep schedule. I've been trying to go to bed earlier to very little effect. Part of this is my insomnia and the fact that I have very little patience for trying to fall asleep.

Ah, well. It would be more fun with something glow-y to watch.


November 27, 2010

Captain's Log

Oh emo space travelers.

Hope your Friday was good, and in case you were wondering all tomorrow sales will continue at the store, so now's the time to buy! The discounted items change every two hours, so check back frequently.


November 26, 2010


JSWG went off without a hitch! The roast chicken I made (and there might not be anything funnier than an ex-vegetarian preparing his/her first roast chicken) was delicious.

Unfortunately while making chicken stock with the bones I burnt my right hand (AKA my doodlin' hand) on the oven heating coil. It's not a bad burn by any means and it's not large, but it hurt like the dickens. So instead of drawing for you my awesome chicken-roasting adventure, I sat watching the original Star Wars trilogy with cool damp paper towels on my hand all night.

In other news, there will be lots of sales going on all day tomorrow on Zazzle, so if you've had your eye on something in the store, now's the time!*

November 25, 2010

All Hail the Dish Soap

In case you were wondering, that is a cloud of happiness and joy being depicted in this TRS blast from the past.

I'm putting a break into this post because I wrote a lot of text. Should you want to read the ramble, there's a "read more" button located down at the bottom of the post.

November 24, 2010

Wouldn't It Be Cool if I Did, Though?

This emo comic comes from the title of an explodingdog drawing, done without looking at the actual drawing first.

And in the store for tonight: an awesome shirt about tacos is ready for you to purchase, love and wear!


P.S. Yes, yes, I know Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try." You don't have to leave a comment with that in it. 

November 23, 2010

I May Be Pathetic, But at Least I Can Check Facebook

The snow is pretty, but losing the was no picnic. (First world problems.)

In the meantime, tonight's store update is the classic, oft-depicted invertinerd shirt. Now you can own one for yourself!

November 22, 2010

Attack of the Eyelashes

In case you can't read the text in the bottom right-hand corner, it says, "my head is a really scary place to be, sometimes..."

ANYWAYS, to celebrate 200 (now 201) posts, I'm going to spend the week updating the store with various products. Tonight there are two t-shirts, one which allows you to clearly state what you are really thinking about and the other is for all you emopus/A Softer World: Invertebrate lovers out there.

Tomorrow there will be more updates, possibly including a shirt about tacos. I know, I'm excited too.


November 21, 2010

Speaks for Itself

It's a sea turtle with a jetpack. It pretty much speaks for itself.

If you've actually been reading the blurbs, you know that this is the 200th post on Octopod Adventures! Yay! I've figured out what I'm going to do, but I will be doing it tomorrow rather than tonight because I need to sleep.

Anyways, enjoy your night! :)

November 20, 2010

Yes Whitney, Snow

Apparently this is a pretty typical Seattle-ite response to this form of precipitation.

It's not that I dislike snow. I like it when it's night and it snows and in the morning there's lots of it. I love sledding (or lunch-tray-ing) down hills. I just don't also get goofy excited for it. Whitney says I'm snow-spoiled because of Chicago, which could be true.


P.S. Tomorrow marks 200 posts. I still don't know what to do special yet. Wait and see.

November 19, 2010

On Q-Tips

Please note I am in no way endorsing that you use Q-Tips in your ear. That is against the directions on the Q-Tip box. You could accidentally break through your skull and clean your temporal lobe or something.

Anyways, this is my general process when it comes to Q-Tips. I considered not including stage 5, but felt that it was a universal stage and needed to be here.


P.S. in two more posts I will have posted 200 TIMES to this blog. It may call for something special, stay tuned.

November 17, 2010

Ways My Immune System Responds to Different Stimuli

If you're a cold virus, you're toast: no fuss, no muss. If you're a gluten/casein molecule, my immune system goes batshit crazy and nukes you. And me, as it turns out.

This comic is brought to you by the cold my two housemates (who were at WSN...sorry WSNers) have. I am not sick yet, but will be planning a strict Tabasco and taco regimen to prevent illness.


Power of Plaid

I didn't own any plaid shirts until I moved to WA. Let me tell you, with winter coming on, I'm considering adding to the stash. They are fully awesome.

You might notice, in fact, that I'm wearing one in this photo.


P.S. store update today, and more shoes to be designed soon!

November 16, 2010

Nothing Like a Cloud of Swearing

This is the book quotation: 
"The air over [insert name here]'s head crackled blue as [he/she] gave an impressive demonstration of [his/her] renowned skill for inventive expletive."

For some reason I imagine the air crackling blue in the form of a bright blue thundercloud. I don't think it's bad that Kristy wants to be this person; I do think it'd be an awesome super power. Especially if the cloud/crackling had mind-control effects. 


P.S. Yes, I do reader requests. You can email all your comic ideas to octopustank AT gmail DOT com.

November 15, 2010

Let's Not Forget Time Spent on Facebook and Online Poker

Oh, emopus. You're so emo. These are photos of what I believe is a juvenile Ocotpus rubescens, given the rows of chromatophores on the arms.

Conference is over, and to celebrate being back to rain and fog (perfect weather for emopuses and m rocks everywhere), I present another installment of the A Softer World invertebrate tribute series. Mouseover text would read: "Let's not forget time spent on facebook and online poker."


P.S. Photo credit to me. I have a whole set of videos and photos from this individual, so it will undoubtedly make an appearance again.

November 14, 2010

WSN Day 3: Nerd Tattoo Plans

Tonight's comic is a skin drawing of the rough drafts of a tattoo idea that we came up with at tonight's after-auction-party. The limpet is Lottia gigantea and there was a plan to try and go get it tattooed tonight, but it's probably for the best that this plan fell through.

This person I know wants the limpet to be peeking over his shoulder, like it's wanting to talk to him.

I think it'd be awesome, but the window of opportunity for actually getting the tattoo is probably gone--curses.


November 13, 2010

WSN Post Numero 2

Conference going well. I'm done presenting. I had a celebratory drink followed by the dinner that I missed (by then cold) because of my presenting.

Now, to sleep!


November 12, 2010

WSN Headphones n' Music Ad

I'm actually at the Western Society of Naturalists conference, where you couldn't throw a jelly(fish) three feet without hitting a marine biologist. I know the guy in charge of the WSN Amazon store, and he needed people to draw ads for a promotion he was doing, so I'm presenting an ad I drew to you tonight!


November 10, 2010

Emo Kid Food

Old TRS. Chose it because I ate beans in some form three times today (a good day) and refried dreams are the food of emo kids everywhere.


November 9, 2010

LHC Big Bang Dream

I had a dream a few days ago that I was at the LHC, but it was in British Columbia, Canada. I got to go down and see the acceleration track and everything. Then today I woke up and saw the news about the miniature big bang they made! I am friggin' prophetic.

Anyways, to make a long story long, this is how I feel about the whole thing.


November 8, 2010

They're Adorable

These guys have been my favorite ever since I was little. And their family name is Armidillidiidae?! Awesome! How could you not love them? I stop a lot on hikes when I find them, which usually bugs** (oh the pun, it is so good) my hiking partners a lot.


**These are not true bugs (those're hexapods); they're isopods, which makes me love them even more.

November 6, 2010

Why Not Both?

Tiny octopus-like aliens abducting tiny cows. Who cares if I'm hallucinating, it'd be really cool to watch.

On that note, time for me to get some sleep.


November 5, 2010

Emopus Sweatshirt Sale SPECIAL UPDATE

Today until 4pm (I'm going to say in whatever time zone you're in) Zazzle has a half off sale on sweatshirts. In honor of this, I've created an emopus sweatshirt! The code for this sale is "HOODIES4SALE" and you should go get one!


November 4, 2010


Ah the emopus. At first I thought this idea was totally original to me, then remembered four or five years ago having seen this on Animals Have Problems Too. Damn. Oh well.

This is based off of Octopus vulgaris, and does remind me that I can "for-realsies" draw, I think. Some days I feel like I'm only good at stick figures.


P.S. there are updates coming to the store soon, perhaps even new versions of the classic octoshoes!

Tea rex Enjoys a Good Cuppa

Tonight I was drinking tea pretending to be a dinosaur.

I may be the coolest thing since the last glacial age.


November 3, 2010

Romance Isn't Dead

Robots and dinosaurs are a love story waiting to happen. When SciFi starts doing romances, I want this to be one of them.


November 2, 2010

I'm Glad We're Here (Together)

Some days are lay-in-the-grass-and-laugh days. Those are good days. I think this accurately sums the whole feeling up.

Have a good night, interwebs!


P.S. I scanned a bunch of recent comics and I've posted these new, shinier versions of those comics. You can see them here, here and here.

November 1, 2010

Link to Awesome

I'm behind on a comic and I need to sleep. So go check out my friend's blog, she's amazing.

This is a photo of us on a day we went flying kites together. I miss her a lot. No one understands my desires for emo/club music quite like her.
