April 19, 2010

Tardigrades: Best Epic Mount Ever

Phyla Tardigrada: possibly the best, most cuter-est thing to ever survive the vacuum of space.

I love these little dudes so much.  And I've decided that when I do become a fully fledged mad scientist, I'll have to develop a shrink ray that would reduce me to < 0.05mm long.  Just so I can ride a tardigrade around in our watery paradise.

I mainly used this site for my image reference, and there you can read all about the cool things "water bears" do.


P.S. Yes I have seen them in person under a microscope, and yes I did "Squee" like a fangirl meeting David Tennant.

ETA: This comic now has a shirt in the store!  Go buy it!  Keep me in burritos! 

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