April 18, 2010

The Zombie Apocalypse: What A Way To Go

Today I had a conversation with a friend about which kind of apocalypse would be best. We decided that zombies did have a certain je ne sais quoi, and I attribute this to a "joie de brains."

For those of you old-timers (who read The Rocket Scandal, my first comic) you're aware that most of those original comics are no longer online. Bad news: when trying to find them (to use here) tonight I discovered they were corrupted on my external hard drive. So, I'm sorry, no more TRS. I am sad too.

On that note, have a good zombie apocalypse.

1 comment:

  1. Dom and I were watching Capitalism: A Love Story last night, He went down for a smoke afterwards and when he came back he said, "I had one thought while I was gone: when do the zombies get here?"
