August 25, 2010

A Summer Review

On the back of an envelope I sent

This summer I spent ten weeks at one of my most favorite places in the world, Friday Harbor, WA. I was a student there in two intensive, graduate-level courses, Comparative Invertebrate Embryology and Larval Biology. I'm back home for a brief stint (after boats, cars and trains) and absolutely wiped. Tonight I'm sharing a few choice photos with you rather than drawing.

Expect comics tomorrow.

More photos after the break!

On the ferry, getting to San Juan
Went to the FH 4th of July parade
Also saw fireworks over the harbor
Resisted the urge to buy this for Kupcake, who always needs beverage containers that can stir themselves
Friends came and visited, hilarity and madness ensued (this is one of the only photos to survive this night, because the camera got lost/stolen/eaten by a monster)
Celebratory shots of some bizarre sugary drink (imagine Robutussin and about four tablespoons of sugar) with players from the Sea Sluggers, the softball team from the labs
Despite all the partying shots, I did work really hard this summer--here's an illustration of one of the baby sand dollars I raised to juvenile-hood

I worked with Cancer magister babies for the last five weeks of the summer, here are all of our juveniles about to be released

And then, at the end of summer, you still have to let everything go

In conclusion, it was a summer of epic proportions, the kind of summer I always wanted to have as a kid, and the kind where at the end of it, there's so much story that telling a cohesive, linear narrative is impossible. Instead I end up with improbable events that people think I've made up, and possibly some details have been embellished, but who's going to tell, really? Friendships forged, sinuses infected, invertebrates poked and prodded, fortunes made, hearts broken, and bacon for all.

So here's to all of my classmates and my friends, this was a summer of legend.


  1. Whatever happened to my Pisaster baby... or do I want to know? Sigh. Just makes me want to go back and do it all over again. This time, with more cowbell.

  2. :) the picture of the night is amazingly descriptive. this post makes me all warm inside.

  3. Bacon for all!! Is it wrong or weird that this post made me almost a little teary? I miss summer and Friday Harbor. A lot.
