April 24, 2010

Ode to Dr. Koehl

All night long I've been working on a final project for my Biomechanics class (Me? Do work?) and so I've been drawing a lot of copepods as illustrations for my presentation.

I'm covering Reynolds numbers and what they mean for small marine life--specifically by looking at source literature on copepod feeding mechanisms (which are super neat). Most of this work was done by Dr. Mimi Koehl, and really, the research and experimental design are so good I squee and have fangirl moments.

I've met her before and seen her present her research (not on copepod feeding) and I'm pretty sure some day I want to be as smart as her. And maybe have people think that my research is as cool and groundbreaking and EPIC.

In the meantime, I drew myself as a calanoid copepod. (And I realize I'm not a tremendously accurate copepod at that, so my plankton friends will hopefully resist the urge to flay me alive.)


P.S. Here's the paper I'm talking about, if any of you want to see how cool it is: Koehl and Strickler, 1981
P.P.S. This is the site I was using for taxonomy and image references

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