April 21, 2010

Kung Fu Crab Is Gonna Kick Your A...Nevermind.

Another Softer World re-make comic.  All photos in this are, again, by me.  Whenever I look for photos to make comics out of, I seem to fall in love with the crabs.

As I did drawings of them in little water dishes, this is always what I liked to anthropomorphize them as thinking.

Check back tomorrow, maybe I'll reward you with a drawn comic.


P.S. if you haven't been to the store, go check it out.  I'm a needy person like that.  Every item you buy I get proceeds from (which allows me to have noms like burritos--this is important).
P.P.S. mouse-over text on this one would be "Kung Fu Crab Is Gonna Kick Your A...Nevermind."

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