January 31, 2011

Oh, the Possibilities

You know you want a Roomba just so you can say that you have a robot. And then you can leave it dust bunnies on the floor so it can feed. Helping take over the world saps a lot of energy.


January 30, 2011

The Absolute Bestest

My dad is also awesome, just for the record.


P.S. I don't quite understand it either, but there is great wisdom here.

January 27, 2011

Prettiest Lady Crab

I have a friend named Allie. She is smart, funny, super tough, tiny, and has the personality of a tiny striped shore crab (a little cranky and mildly reminiscent of Scrappy Doo).

Anyways, she's amazing. This is to cheer her up. :)


P.S. I failed at coloring her species right (Pachygrapsus crassipes) so I'll try again later.

January 26, 2011

And That's How I Got my Nerd Sitcom

This comic is almost entirely due to the genius of "Alex Lowe Y'all." The shirt I'm wearing is a reference to him because he got pooped on by a bird one day at work.

Anyways, I work in Excel and I need to learn how to us MySQL to make a real database. (meep)


P.S. You can buy a specially designed "Birds Poop!" shirt in the Octopod Store today!!

January 25, 2011

The Dinner of Grown-Ups and Champions

I've considered this for dinner, I won't lie.


January 24, 2011

They'd Be Like Azalea Bushes!!

I tell this to my dad every time he goes for a haircut, and every time he gets them trimmed. Blast-from-the-past brought to you by The Rocket Scandal.

Happy Monday!

I Need a Grocery List

If I don't bring a grocery list, I'll buy things that are, in essence, gluten-free, flavored wood chips.



January 21, 2011

This is a Good Place to Be

Original photo by Richard Ling, mermaid by M. Rock
I had this idea weeks ago, but couldn't find a reef picture I liked. Finally found one tonight on Wikipedia, taken by Richard Ling.

Great Barrier Reef, I want to be a mermaid, same ol' same ol', really.


January 19, 2011

Things I Wish I Could Do

...use my blinking keister to communicate with others who also have blinking keisters.

Anyways, TRS blast-from-the-past today! Most people I know who grew up in the pacific northwest have never experienced summer nights with fireflies.

It brings lights to my butt. Lights of sadness.


The "Eh" Bomb

If you have any Canadian friends, you've probably joyfully and gleefully awaited for them to say "eh" unwittingly in conversation. At least, I have.

And I finally heard a friend give it this term today.

[This is not disrespect of my northern brethren. I still wish I'd been born a red-haired canadian mountie, and the thought of ex-patting it up occurs on a daily basis.]


January 17, 2011

They Know Our Weaknesses

A Softer World: Invertebrates tribute! The first of 2011! Mouse-over text would be: they know our weaknesses


January 16, 2011

Hang in There

This is actually the first draft of a piece that I'm thinking of putting into my portfolio for "drawing science good" grad school. I drew it on a recent visit to the Shedd Aquarium this winter.

If I had to give it a comic title though, it's be "Hang in there."


January 15, 2011

Platypuses or Platypi?

Pretty simple tonight. But adorable and egg-laying mammals don't need fanfare. They are their own fanfare.

January 13, 2011

Zombie Time

TRS blast-from-the-past while I recover from ankle ouches. You should eat your brains though, just like Momzombie told you to.


January 12, 2011

The Perfect Cover

"Crime" is such an ugly word.


January 11, 2011

Stupid Ankle

To be fair, I don't know that it's actually sprained, it just doesn't feel happy and nice. It feels, in fact, the opposite of both of those things.

If it still hurts by tomorrow I get to find someone to drive me into town to go to the clinic. :(


Also, let's not forget MechanoCrab, my nemesis and the bringer of the Foggy Crabpocalypse.


January 10, 2011

Home at Last!

So far I've been traveling all of 2011, and I can't tell you how glad I am to be back home finally. :)

Comic updates resume as usual tomorrow.


January 7, 2011

Comics Soon

More comics soon, I was at a big national meeting with no INTERNETS. Or, more appropriately, no FREE internets. Anyways, it went well, but I'll be back with comics starting Monday.