October 31, 2010

Sasquatches, Killbots, and Zombies! Oh My!

Happy Halloween! My costume was "not a triceratops" and I spent the night out with friends, so enjoy this monsterific TRS Saturday-Vault special!


October 30, 2010

He'll Never Know of Our Love

It's true. I can't send him any message to tell him how wonderful I think he is, despite the fact that we're within 35 miles of each other. It makes me...heartbroken.

If you know this man, please tell him I'm here and waiting to be saved from a velociraptor-y fate.


October 29, 2010

Foggy Crabpocalypse

I have this fear of a giant, genetically-modified, half-robot crab coming out from the forest around where I live whenever it's really foggy out, and especially at night.

One of these days my irrational fears are going to become rational, and on that day, you'll wish you'd listened to me more about the impending crabpocalypse.


(I've included a photo of what exactly this kind of foggy morning looks like around our forest.)

October 27, 2010

For Anyone Who Has Ever Cursed Excel

Tonight while getting some of the graphs done for a project, and I did spend a good portion of my time cursing and asking it why it was doing X thing (much to the amusement of my housemates).


It's Not Too Late

I love explodingdog and decided to take one of the titles of a new drawing and try drawing what I imagined for it without looking at the image first. The full title of his was "A follow up letter. It is not too late," and you can see it here.

In other news, today I spent about five minutes hugging a box of cereal when I found out I could it after all (see: food allergy girl).


October 26, 2010

The Force and The Church

It's late, so here's a classic from the TRS vault. "Peace be with you," is something you say to people at a specific break in Episcopalian and Catholic masses (and people still use it today as a greeting in arabic). However, whenever I hear it I'm also reminded of the Jedis.


October 25, 2010

Zombie Hunter

In honor of Halloween, a zombie-related comic. A lot of people will argue for the shotgun, and yes it has potential, but with a crow bar you can also loot and pillage, not to mention you can't run out of ammunition*.


*I've also heard people argue that once out of ammo, you can use the shotgun then as a club to deliver blunt force trauma. Discuss as you will in comments.

October 24, 2010

It's a Pretty Good Analogy at Least

A weekend TRS vault special! This isn't really how solar flares happen, but I did go to a party with a bonfire tonight and all my burps taste like burnt marshmallows, so this one was ringing true for me.


EDIT: Every once and a while I have a spelling mistake. This is one of those times. Special thanks to reader Kristy who pointed out Mercury says "nanchos," not nachos. I could fix this and pretend it didn't happen, but you readers deserve better. And it's pretty funny.

October 23, 2010

Hot Sauce Cure-All

In my efforts to "burn" the cold out of myself, I turned to hot sauce. After several spoonfuls of tabasco, the endorphins kicked in and I felt like I could lift a bus. It was awesome.

On an unrelated note Octopod Adventures has a Twitter account, where you can get inane updates about everything I do in case the comic itself wasn't enough. Anyways, you should check it out.


October 22, 2010

Sicko, Take 2

After my cold this summer, I was hoping that I'd be done for the year. Not so. The pain is all in my sinuses right now, and when this happens I go from being an invalid to being a cranky bear.

Until tomorrow, reader peoples.


October 21, 2010

Microwave Olympics

Before I begin, let me say do I no way endorse you or anyone else holding their own Microwave Olympics. It's a dumb, dangerous idea. You use the microwave at your own risk and Octopod Adventures takes no responsibility for anything (ever, really).

That said, the little pyromaniac/mad scientist inside me wants to hold a Microwave Olympics, wherein I would test various items inside the microwave and observe, record, and rate the results. I did it accidentally last week with a lime (results: fun smelling, but very pulpy in the explosion), and I've been fighting the good fight since.


October 20, 2010

Blaming Blogger for my Slacking

Image uploads currently disabled on blogger. Sorry, guys. Instead, I have an internets present for you: The Zombie Majority

It has zombies! And funniness!

Comic returns tomorrow, fear not.


October 19, 2010

My Superhero Name/Mission

I watched Star Wars: A New Hope tonight, so no comic for you. Good news, though, I brought this out of the TRS vault just for you.


October 18, 2010

Think Before You Nuke

This is an Octopod Adventures PSA about those lovable nuisances, the super/mega/giant GM animal/monster. Just because it's terrorizing your city/country/planet, doesn't mean that it doesn't have a scientist-creator somewhere who only wants it back home, safe and sound.

Think before you nuke: a message from Friends of the Man-Eating Monsters.

(Also, is there a Godzilla film where you see baby Godzilla? I want to know.)


October 17, 2010

Your Next Robot Upgrade

The title came out of a conversation I had tonight (right before comic-idea-deadline time) and here are the results. The exact quotation is, "You should ask for that on your next robot upgrade."

I would ask for jetwings too.


October 15, 2010

Space Must be Nice, Though

Apparently insomnia also increases my emo levels. Ah well, nothing to be done for it now but sleep.

Usually I hate that my moleskine pages are so thin, but tonight I used it to my advantage to make cool doodles in the background.


October 14, 2010

Dreaming of You

Drawing. It's late(ish)?


October 13, 2010

Now Get Over Here and Help Me Learn to Tie a Bowtie

I've been watching a lot of Chuck lately, so spies are on the brain. Here's an invertebrate A Softer World tribute, starring a Rossia pacifica and an unknown octopus (either E. dofleini or O. rubescens). Photo credit to me.


October 11, 2010

Pandora Radio, I Love You

It plays everything. It's rock ballads and club music and punk rawk. I'm going to share it with you, faithful readers, because it's a delight to finally have broken all of Pandora's algorithms. Here's the station!


The Food of Second Dinner at All-Night IHOPs Everywhere

I'm minimizing this in the hope that the cursing isn't too much for you all. Old TRS because I was working until two tonight and two in the morning is exactly when second dinner becomes imperative for me. And second dinner is the perfect time to revisit my addiction.


October 8, 2010

I'm Going to Rampage Until I'm Fed, Just FYI

It's almost 2am which means it's second dinner, and if there's no food in the house, this leads to rampages. As pictured here in this old TRS.

On a food side note, I've just updated my food blog, Airitarian, for the first time in a long time. And as long as I'm promoting sites I'll also throw one up for the microfiction blog I help edit, Super Briefs, which has had a recent slew of submissions (we would like to keep that up, so please submit).


October 7, 2010

Fridge of Death, pts 1-3

This one happened last week, but I'm finally over the horror enough that I can talk about it. I haven't labelled any of the contents in our fridge, but a few highlights include:
1. no less than 3 cartons of a dozen eggs each
2. a bungee net that my housemate uses when he bikes to the grocery store
3. the condiment explosion (three mustards, two ketchups, asian sauces, etc)

Moral of the story, for you Aesop's fables fans, is to make sure you and your housemates keep track of the unclaimed/donated food items in the fridge so that you don't assume they're someone else's and let them rot on accident.


October 6, 2010

No Post But Go See This Movie

Instead of drawing a comic tonight, I had a Sharktopus showing/costume party with some friends. For those not in the know, this movie involves a genetically engineered half-shark, half-octopus monster. It is all win. 

The movie is awesome on levels I have a hard time trying to describe, in a terrible way (what other way could it be with a trailer like that?) and I highly recommend watching it. 

Back tomorrow, guys!

October 5, 2010

One BEP Video at a Time...

Youtube zombies hunger for bandwidth and less pixelation. I think this could legitimately happen to me. And all because of Fergie Ferg and how good tonight is gonna be.


October 4, 2010

Not the Weekend Ninja!

I feel like I wasted this weekend and I'm willing to blame it all on THE WEEKEND NINJA. This particular evil-doer steals weekends by making you too lazy to do anything but nap and sometimes eat food, ruining all your original awesome weekend plans.

Stupid ninja.


October 3, 2010


Old TRS. Sometimes you can defeat l'esprit de l'escalier. Still true, though. I'm the pastiest level of pasty of anyone I know. I make whitewashed walls look tan.


October 1, 2010

Bacon: It's What's for Delicious

I spent most of the evening helping a housemate move, so as a reward when we were finished I cooked bacon for me and another housemate. Hence, tonight's comic (and my comic self's face of rapture).

Sorry for all those who are offended by images of meat.
