July 31, 2010

Guest Comic by Erica Awesomesauce Flores

What's myopic, has good taste in music and loves larvae? Why yes, it would be the author of today's guest comic, Erica Flores!

I was supposed to post this last Sunday (I'm fail) but in the meantime, anticipation of this amazing-ness makes it all better.

Three cheers for Erica!


P.S. if you have a guest comic you draw and email it to me, I will post it for the enjoyment of all. :) octopustank @ gmail DOT com

July 27, 2010

For Home and All the People There

Hermit crab. Tiny. Adorable. Tomorrow's comic is going to be a GUEST comic (whaaaat?!) and originally it was going to be today's, but I didn't scan the drawing. Instead you get an invertebrate.

And not to harp on you again, but remember Super Briefs is still looking for submissions and ready to hear from you!


July 23, 2010

For the Mooselette

This is for a really awesome person I know who drew me a picture of the tardigrade king (which now hangs above my lab station). And I realized that I am finally the kind of person I wanted to know when I was six.

I feel like a success.

Here's to you, older Mooselette. You're really cool.


July 19, 2010

I Do Highly Technical Scientific Research

Working on figures for my paper tonight, I kept imagining this. I also think I see hammer pants on my embryos. Again this is my study species, Arbacia punctulata.

So I made this for you. Photo credit to me, and sympathies to my poor, poor advisor.


July 16, 2010

These Are Also my Tofu Faces

Purple Flintstones, tofu, and eggs all require these faces. TRS for the win.

People left today, which is sad, but new people arrive soon. In the meantime, bacon tomorrow!


July 15, 2010

I Don't Wanna Be an Old Man Anymore

"The Good Life"

I need to get back to it, yo. (The good life being drawing comics every night.) An old TRS back from the vault. Just for you!

My class is almost over, then my next one starts up next week. Eek. Poor, melted brain.


July 12, 2010

Fluorescent Pink Uteruses Beware

I'm not afraid to blow those little monsters to pieces, I tell you. Most women I know have felt this way at least once, and it is a pretty classic TRS, so I thought I'd bring it back. 

Today was awesome and there were two baby octopuses I saw tonight night-lighting (did not bring them up into the lab, however tempted I was). 


July 11, 2010

Overwhelmed, Like Woah.

No comics for almost a week. That's Lame Sauce. Capital letters, even.

More TRS classics this week. And I hope to post several new t-shirts soon. 


July 5, 2010

Larval Cupcakes, I'm Telling You!

These look like football helmets, mushrooms, and depending on the species, sometimes male appendages. Hence they are always fun to draw.

The fourth here at the Labs went well, I got a prize for my radula costume (woah!) and fireworks yesterday. Hope you're all safe and well and the like.


July 3, 2010

'Cause I'm a Robot Now

Sleeping is for people who don't have lives or invertebrate embryos to look at.

I'm getting that glazed over, carrying-a-sleep-deficit look. (And two comics have been about lack of sleep in the last week, so clearly it's time to have a nap marathon.)


P.S. Have a good Fourth of July for all the americans in the readership. And happy Canada Day two days late for the Canadians.

July 2, 2010

Because One Project Is Never Enough

When I'm in lab I get to draw in ink and do watercolor and charcoals (my lab notes take forever) working on the tablet becomes really unappealing. However, I'll stop whining now.

I'm actually posting to say that another project I'm working on is up and running officially--Super Briefs Magazine. I think it's a really cool idea (hence why I started it with my good friend, Rachel Corsini) but also gives people a chance to submit who might not otherwise. Our first story is up (by talented author/photographer/general awesome person Nik Brink), and you should submit!

Submitting doesn't take much. You don't have to be a writer (stories are less than or equal to the length of a Twitter post!) and we'll get back to you quickly.

That's all for now, regular comic tomorrow.
