June 29, 2010

After Dinner Addiction

My roommate and I have a package of these after dinner mints (also described as butter mints or dessert mints) and they're so good it's a little gross. In the meantime, early comic so that I can get some sleep tonight after I change embryo cultures.

For those of you who wonder about my living-ness and lack of comic, I'm in class 6 days a week right now, so it's a little intense and I'm trying to get drawing in whenever possible. :)


June 28, 2010

Reaffirmation of a Commonly Accepted Fact

I watched "Legend" for the first time today, and this is what I learned. It's a reaffirmation of my personal feelings, but one of my core personal tenets of being. (Actually, the real core tenet of my belief is that pants are evil, but in the movie the lord of darkness does wear pants, so all my pants-related beliefs have been covered.)

Going to be a busy week coming up, but I have a new t-shirt design in the works...it's full of awesome.


June 25, 2010

Sleep Deficit at New Record High

This one explains itself.

For the past three days I've cared for 8 baby cephalopods, so I'm pretty tired (they're all gone from lab now). I'll try and post stuff tomorrow (vids and photos).


June 22, 2010

They're Too Cute to Be Trusted

ASW invertebrate tribute! Went night lighting and caught SEVEN juvenile cephalopods (holy cutegasm, Batman!) so it was an awesome night, but I got started on the comic late.

Photos of an octopus juvenile (O. rubescens or E. dofleini) I cared for last year up here, but I hope to get some pics of our new guys soon.

Mouseover text: "They're too cute to be trusted." And no, I don't know what Phase 2 is, but I have a feeling it's sneaky.


June 20, 2010

Robots Make the Best Best Friends

Today my best friend said to me: "I'd be okay with having a robot for a best friend."

Sometimes I love her so much I can hardly talk about it. (Note: she is not the robot, I am probably the robot.)


June 17, 2010

Science Win!

When there's an experiment that works, this is how it feels. A bunch of our embryos today look like duds, but my culture of some sand dollar babies is moving right along and that makes me feel okay about myself.


P.S. Tomorrow I'm taking off, so have a good weekend.

Time to Leave Lab, Kiddo

This is a nerd PSA: friends don't let friends get microscope eyes. Make your lab partner/loved one/friend leave the lab when microscope eyes happen. They'll thank you later.

I was in lab for four hours tonight and got some stuff done, but I still feel vastly underprepared and slack-off-y. Can I make slack-off-y an adjective?


June 15, 2010

A Present Just for You

Old TRS--tonight was a late night in lab (good drawings though). This is back when I was eating things I didn't know I couldn't tolerate (wheat, dairy, deliciousness) so my toots were EPIC (and horrendous).

Now, to sleep!


June 14, 2010

Nerd Post Ahoy

So I'm back at Friday Harbor Labs, through the University of Washington. It's kind of an epic place to be if you love invertebrates.

So, posts coming back regularly now, sorry for my failure to post.


June 9, 2010

These Frameworks Label "Home"

Tomorrow: Washington. Good bye, Chicago.

Image reference here. Title from "This is a Fire Door Never Leave Open" by the Weakerthans.


June 8, 2010

Because It's 4am, That's Why

As I have an...erratic sleep schedule, this happens to me often, and there's nothing like birds chirping to remind you that you're still awake, not sleeping, doing work.

Tomorrow there will be another business update along with a comic, but in the meantime, I've got to show those birds who's boss and get some sleep.


June 5, 2010

Feelin' a Little Sluggish Today

TRS classic, back on the intertoobs.

Went and saw The Stops tonight, which was amazing. If you like laughing, you should probably go see this. And now I'm going to go sleep!


June 4, 2010

To The Fantasmic People I Know

I know a lot of really amazing people. I'm leaving for Washington (state) next week for the summer (and the next year) and I was really nervous/upset about leaving home, but tonight thanks to all of them, I feel a lot better about it.

You guys are awesome, just FYI. <3


(When I have my evil, mad scientist uprising, I will make sure my giant robots spare you.)

June 2, 2010

I Will Prevail AND Have a Robot

I've been learning how to solder, and so far I've learned:
1. Ow, that's #$*@ing HOT!
2. Teehehe. Poop.
3. "Those are all perfect solder joins...it's not level on the board, is it?"

Tomorrow I finish the last assembly on the robot I'm putting together (that is a true sentence...weird). It's from a kit, but end result: I will still have a robot.

Go follow me on twitter to find out everything I'm doing. At all hours of the day.
